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Dr. Suresh S , M.B.B.S., M.D., Diploma in Metabolic Syndrome(DMS)
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

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Contact Details

Professional Details
State Licence Number/NPI
State/Board registered with
Karnataka Medical Council
Years of experience
Specific Skills and Interests
Diabetes Prevention, Uncontrolled diabetes 

Education Details
Degree earned
Name of the university
Karnatak University Dharwad/J.N.Medical College Belgaum 
Residency / Post graduation
Year of post-graduation
Degree earned
RGUHS Bangalore/J.N.Medical College Belgaum 
Fellowship / Specialty Training
Year of fellowship
Degree earned
Diploma in Metabolic Syndrome(DMS)
Copenhegan University Denmark 

Other Details
PACE DIABETES PROJECT: Lead investigator in the very first ever translational research and its sub studies in the community in South India. Designed, implemented, monitored and carried out the Intervention study as a part of PACE Diabetes project. In the study one arm was given yoga as a type of intervention. 2nd arm was given walking as type of intervention. Third arm was given both yoga and walking as a type of intervention and 4th arm taken as a control with appropriate ethical considerations. I am analyzing the data from this study. Results are appearing very promising in this interventional research. IDF quotes this study as one of the four examples in the world for translational research in its websites.

● PACE Diabetes Project deals with study of feasibility of Lifestyle intervention in a real community setting and impact of awareness and large scale screening in the general public

•     One of the Lead investigators in WDF & MDRF Rural diabetes prevention project which Identifies the pre diabetics and preventing them from going into diabetic stage and empowering the rural public in diabetes prevention knowledge and care.
•     Lead investigator in India CLEN (Clinical Epidemiology Network Analysis), WORLD BANK & Ministry of Health, Govt of India.
•     Member for “Strategies for identification of high risk groups (guidelines) and its implementation in various settings of public health”. Committee for providing guidelines to Ministry of Health, Govt of India on healthy body weight and body shape among Indians.
•     Life member of Indian Medical Association
•     Life member of RSSDI
Other professional achievements
•     Improvement and knowledge of diabetes among general practitioners after a structured diabetes training program (PACE – 7). Ranjani H, Padmaja U, Anushree VM, Viknesh PA, Suresh S, Mohan V. Journal of Association of Physicians of India (Tamil Nadu Chapter). 2012;4: 1-5.

•     Random capillary blood glucose cut points for diabetes and pre-diabetes derived from community based opportunistic screening in india.
Somannavar S, Ganesan A, Deepa M, Datta M, Mohan V. Diabetes Care, 2009.

•     Increased Awareness about Diabetes and Its Complications in a Whole City: Effectiveness of the “Prevention, Awareness, Counselling and Evaluation” [PACE] Diabetes Project [PACE-6]; S Somannavar, H Lanthorn, M Deepa, M Rema, V Mohan: JAPI • VOL. 56 • JULY 2008
•     Prevention Awareness Counselling and Evaluation (Pace) Diabetes Project: A Mega Multi-Pronged Program for Diabetes Awareness and Prevention In South India [PACE-5]: S Somannavar, H Lanthorn, R Pradeepa, V Narayanan, M Rema, V Mohan: JAPI • VOL. 56 • JUNE 2008.

•     “Community strategies in the prevention of diabetes - Texbook of Type 2 Diabetes in Asians; M Deepa, Suresh.Somannavar, V Mohan ;2006

•     “Large Scale Diabetes Awareness And Prevention Programme In South India” Suresh.S.Somannavar, Deepa Raj, Pradeepa A R, Rema M, Mohan V ; Diabetes Voice: 2005 Volume 50 Issue 4

•     “A Simplified Indian diabetes risk Score for Screening for Undiagnosed Diabetic subjects”; V Mohan, R.Deepa, M.deepa, S Somannavar, M Datta; JAPI. Vol 53.September 2005, 759-763.

Research Papers Presented in National and International Conferences:

High Prevalence and low awareness of diabetes rural Karnataka in south India; paper accepted at the IDF – 2011 to be held in Dubai
     in Prospective study of Rapid Progression of Pre-diabetes to diabetes in south Indian Population- Accepted for 4th International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic syndrome in Madrid, Spain, April 6-9, 2011

     Prevalence of Diabetes in a Rural Village of South India –Paper spublished in abstract book of 71st American Diabetes Association (ADA)’s scientific sessions to be held in San Diego Ca-2011.

     Raising Diabetes Awareness in a Whole Population: The PACE Diabetes Project Success Story In Chennai Presented at National RSSDI conference 2007 in Kolkata.

Cross sectional study of Awareness of Diabetic Retinopathy in Chennai and Hyderabad Cities” Presented at National Ophthalmology conference, Sunayana 2007, Hyderabad

“ Epidemiological study of diabetic awareness in south India” to be presented in 19th World Diabetes Congress organized by International Diabetes Federation to be held in Cape town, South Africa from 3rd to 7th December 2006

     “PACE-DIABETES PROJECT - A community outreach diabetes prevention project in India” PRESENTED in 9th Global Forum for Health research organized by WHO Geneva -Dr.Suresh Page 3     04/05/2012 held in Mumbai from 12th to 16th September 2005.

     The cross sectional study of husbands smoking behavior in relation to foetal survival, in the XXXth National annual conference of Indian association of preventive and social medicine held in Belgaum in Feb 2003.
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