Ask a Specialist

Get your health question answered instantly from our pool of 18000+ doctors from over 80 specialties


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Ask a Specialist FAQ.

Ask A Specialist is an online consultation platform of Ask A Doctor - 24x7 that brings to you more than 18000 certified doctors from over 80+ specialties to help you resolve all your medical queries, instantly - 24/7/365. Serving a gamut of patients from all across the globe for over two decades, we are one of the premier online consultation service providers whom people trust. Now no more you need to wait in a queue or fight for an appointment, you can seek an e-consultation and second opinion just at a finger tap - at our Ask a Specialist page!

How to consult an online specialists?

Consulting a specialist online had never been as easy as with our Ask A Doctor - 24x7 - Ask a Specialist service. Just you need to enter basic details like your gender, age and ask your health-related concern, and submit. Within minutes a specialist associated to your health question will be delegated to resolve your health problem. The bestie is you can seek answer from certified doctors - for free.

How much time does it take to get an answer to my queries?

For a free consultation, your query will be answered within 24 to 48 hours. However, in case of a paid consultation services you will receive a reply within 2 to 4 working hours.

In any case if you do not get a response from us within the stipulated time, we make sure to refund your money back into your account.

About Online Doctors/ Medical Practitioners?

Our panel of 18000 + healthcare specialists are all registered medical practitioners. We at Ask a Specialist make sure to take into account to track everything about doctors including their qualifying degrees, experience, research, and also we track-record of their practice before bring him/her on board with Ask A Doctor - 24x7, It is only after thorough cross verification a doctor is given access to answer patient queries.

What kind of problems can online Doctors resolve?

Doctors at Ask a Specialist platform will give you expert advice and help you identify next steps which may include further tests, medicine recommendation or lifestyle tips on your problem. They may also seek the scan report of the tests if you had got done earlier.

You can ask non-urgent and general questions on a free consultation, however, for any super-specialty queries you need to take a paid service to ask a specialist online.

How can a doctor be able to resolve my issue without meeting me?

Doctors at Ask A Doctor - 24x7 will give you expert advice on your problem and help you identify the right course of treatment which may include further tests, medicine recommendation or lifestyle tips.

In certain super specialty cases, they may suggest face-to-face examination and ask patients to share pictures or reports if they can, for a conclusive diagnosis.

Is my consultation private with my doctor?

We at Ask A Doctor - 24x7 completely understand that privacy of data is a fundamental human rights and therefore, we assure that all your personal information are stored securely confidential. We are compliant with industry standards to ensure your consultations are securely stored.

For how long is the consultation valid?

For a paid consultation, you can follow-up with your doctor for up to 3 days. However, if you are someone looking for a second opinion and have chosen for a free consultation then you can follow-up only for one day.

Benefits of Online Doctor Consultation

With technological upgradation in the healthcare segment, a convenient patient-care feature has evolved in practice, wherein a patient can suitably access to any specialist online, at any time, any place.

Not only the easy accessibility but a patient also gets 100% secure and authentic service from experienced doctors at a fraction of the normal consultation fee. Also, you can avail our one time free-service to get second opinion or an expert analysis on your ongoing condition or any of your lab reports from our team of verified medical experts.

What's more! No appointments, no waiting just get instant service and a full refund in case you are not satisfied with the answers.

Come, share your concern at Ask a specialist e-consultation, now, and seek a second opinion or get proper guidance from authentic doctors from varied specialties in minutes!