Reviews For Dr. Abubakar Siddiqh

Tonyjit  | Sun, 20 Nov 2016

Thank you for the required info. Much appreciated.


Efactsqueen99  | Wed, 26 Oct 2016

Dr. Abubakar Siddiqh answered my questions in a manner that I could understand and was extremely helpful with the medical advice that he gave me.


Jzaletsky  | Mon, 26 Sep 2016

Dr. Siddigh's response was the same as my ENTs when I had the chance to get appt. Thankfully, a follow up with surgeon was not needed. Thank you


Puddinpie2002  | Sat, 24 Sep 2016



Mail  | Mon, 12 Sep 2016

Great follow up questions and the doctor I saw in real life came up with the same answer.


Dabros1  | Sat, 10 Sep 2016

Gave reassurance that what I was experiencing was to be expected.


Kylieanne71  | Wed, 7 Sep 2016



Pmjames222  | Thu, 4 Aug 2016

He was prompt, knowledgeable, and helpful.


Naveen09237  | Tue, 2 Aug 2016



Seandwyergm  | Fri, 22 Jul 2016

I can't thank Dr. Abubakar Siddiqh enough for figuring this out. After five years of on and off headaches, tiredness, etc. after a trauma to his brain, he now has a solution. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. You will have changed my son's life.


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