11 Years Old, Type 1 Diabetic. Passing Purple Coloured Stool. Is This Common?
Thanks for he query.
The color of your stool is dependent upon various factors but largely dependent upon the the type of dietary intake. XXXXXXX vegetables like broccoli and spinach can cause XXXXXXX stool.
Many a time XXXXXXX stool can be caused by the foods containg XXXXXXX coloring material.
Some times purple colored drinks or some dietary supplement like iron can also turn the color of stool XXXXXXX
If you have recently changed your diet, have consumed a large quantity of sugary foods, or have had constipation, your stool may appear XXXXXXX a time or two before returning to normal.
If you have XXXXXXX stool with other symptoms and cannot think of a reason why your bowel movements may have changed,you may consult your doctor.
While XXXXXXX stool is not considered abnormal, serious or chronic changes in bowel movement may indicate a cause for concern.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck