1yr/M.K/C/O-BE ROP, RE Tractional Retinal Detachment .Rt Eye Pthsis Bulbi
Regular follow ups for left eye
Detailed Answer:
hey thank you so much for your question. I assure you that you are in the best hands with S jalali mam in hyderbad . She is the pioneer of ROP in XXXXXXX with all of us learning our work directly or indireclty from her . In pthisical eye the damage is usually beyond repair and we should not intervene . If needed later prosthetic eye can be fit in that area for better cosmetic purpose .The left eye has to be followed up regularly as laser has been done and the baby may need some spectacle or some aid for that eye also which as he grows we may be better able to judge about the visual acuity of that eye . Dont worry with a good laser many many children have mainatained a good vision in the eye.Hope my answer helps you .Regards .