2 Months Ago,I Had Surgery For A Rather Large Kidney Stone. Since The Procedure,I Have This Bloating/ Uncomfortable Feeling,from My Lower Back And Abdomen Up To My Ribcage,and Seem To Be Retaining Fluid . I've Been Drinking Almost All Water Since The Procedure 2 Months Ago Should I Be Worried?
Please provide few more details
Detailed Answer:
Based on the facts that you have posted you have undergone surgery for removal of large stone in kidney 2 months ago and since then facing problem of bloating and discomfort in abdomen .
I shall be happy if you can post me more details to help me in making precise comments and suggestions
1) Was it an Endoscopic surgery called PCNL or an open surgery ?
2) Was stone cleared off completely?
It is normal to get discomfort in abdomen after the major surgery .which settles gradually .
You may take antacids like Pantaprozole twice daily .Doing a moderate exercise in the morning will help to reduce the discomfort .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.