2 Yr Old Has Swollen Liver, Loss Of Appetite. Any Food That Should Be Avoided ?
There are many causes for the damage of liver cells.When the cells of liver are damaged then immune system of body responds to this damage and causes inflammation inside the liver which causes Liver to enlarge in size.
If the cause can be found and treated,liver cells heal
As far as the food is concerned,you must give more of fresh fruits to your child.
Although some amount of soda can be given but the best to give are water,fresh fruit juice and milk.
Avoid fast foods and packaged food with preservatives.
Instead of fried foods give more of boiled or baked food.although small amount of olive oil may be given if required.
I hope to have answered your query however you can revert to me for any further query.
Thanks and best of luck.
You can give soy milk
Avoid canned peaches and fruit cocktail as it has preservatives in it and not good for your child.
Try giving her fresh fruits
Relax,your child shall be alright
Give her plenty of water and you can add fresh lemon to it.