60 Years Old Taking Nutritious Diet. Feeling Tired With Some Memory Loss. Any Ideas?
My mom is 60 and has been a very active woman and extremely health concious. Off lately I have noticed that she gets tired extremely quick or is very tired before even starting any work. She drinks a lot of fresh juices and eats healthy. She has also become quite forgetful. Could you please suggest how to help her.
Thanks for sharing your concern.
It is very nice to know that your mother is health conscious and takes good care of herself.
As mentioned she is taking nutritious diet and active too, but sometimes whatever appears normal might not be so, we miss out very important features like looking pale or any mild chronic infestation by parasites like tape worm, etc.
I think, she should go for a simple blood test to detect her hemoglobin level. If there is reduced hemoglobin level, the oxygen carrying capacity of blood reduces, thus making the person feel often very tired, even on taking good diet and on mild exercise.
Therefore this could be one of the possibilities. Please get a routine blood examination done.
Also sometimes the food that we take is not absorbed or assimilated completely by the body resulting in tiredness even on no work. This is seen in parasitic infection in our intestines. I think even this should be ruled out by a simple stool examination.
Her forgetfulness could also be related to the above conditions I suspect in her. Treating the same will eliminate the memory disturbances too. If there is improvement or instead there is worsening then she may have to be examined by a neurologist.
A course of multivitamin and calcium along with healthy and nutritious diet might help her lot.
Hope it helps. For further query let me know.