83 Years Old. Getting Tired After Doing Physical Exercise. Have Low Testosterone Level. Remedy?
I never used to feel so tired after a work out.
I had my testrone checked and it is very low.
Is there any way I can correct this problem?
I hope you can help me XXXXXXX
I like to keep in top phyical condition.
The features of low serum testosterone can be quite variable with some men experiencing fatigue and lethargy while others have decreased libido. The results of testosterone replacement is not equal in men. While some report no benefit, others report that they get excellent results with the same including an increase in sex drive and an increase in energy levels.
Since the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy are usually mild, you can again go in for testosterone replacement provided:
1. you do not have the contraindications for testosterone replacement like benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), prostatic cancer, high levels of red blood cells in your blood, sleep apnea or heart problems.
2. you have had documented benefit from previous testosterone injections.
Therefore, you can be the best judge regarding the initiation of testosterone injections again! Please let me know if you have further questions. Best wishes!