Abdominal Pain, Blood And Stool Test Done, Want To Do PCR. Chances Of HCV Infection?
I will do the the PCR after 4 Weeks , but as i am out of Egypt , the PCR is difficult & expensive .
I am still having unclear slight abdominal pain all sides (Up, Down, Right & Left) .
I went to GP doctor without mentioned anything about HCV Exposure & Asked his advice about 15 days intermitted abdominal pain.
Directly he requested me to make Blood, Urine & Stool Test before any decision .
The result came as follows:
•Duration : 3 Weeks of After Exposure & around 2 Weeks after Abdominal pain .
A. Blood
• ALT 20 U/L Range 0 - 50 U/L
• AST 17 U/L Range 0 - 36 U/L
• Bilirubin Total : 0.53 md/dl Range 0.10 - 1.50
B. Urine :
• COLOUR : Pale Yellow
• GLUCOSE : Negative
• KETONE : Negative
• PROTEIN : Negative
• Blood : Negative
• BILLIRUBIN : Negative
C. Stool
• Appearance : Brownish
• Consistency : Formed
• Microscopy : No ova , cyst or parasito scon
Cosidering that from 2.5 Months back , i make Lab Test for regular check & it was as follows :
- ALT 14 U/L
- AST 15 U/L
The Doctor said to me you have nothing & may be this from Anxiety Effect . Even i asked him for Elevated ALT & AST and the ALT became this time higher than AST . He siad all can happen normaly for any normal reason , it vaired around the time of sample during the same day , But the values still low .
Now i am tired & slight pain still there .
1. Is HCV Symptons can start after one week of exposure ?
2. If yes , it means that Virus Level should be high & detectable after 10 days ?
3. If this is the sympton that start after 1 week of exposure & still remain for 2 weeks that induce Slight Abdominal Pain Only, ALT levels should go higher than this ?
4. Is it can be early stage of Acute Infection & ALT may go higher in the incomming periods .
5. Any other possibility for the pain ?
I am realy need your adivce now
All physiological variables have a normal fluctuation and are never the same when repeated even in a perfectly normal individual. Also each lab has its own variance in measurement, ie if a sample is tested twice in the same lab the result can be slightly different.
Hence unless the values are more than the normal variance (depends on the lab and may vary between 10 & 15 units) and reproducible they do not represent any definite change in the status.
Your results are well within this range of variance and you shouldn't be unnecessarily disturbed. Further acute hepatitis usually causes very high values as compared to chronic hepatitis. Hence stop worrying and for the sake of reassurance you may repeat the HCV RNA PCR test after 4 weeks.
I shall answer your queries for your information
1. Symptoms of HCV after exposure occur at variable time period among different individuals. The symptoms have been reported after 2-6 months following exposure.
2. Hepatitis C can be detected by PCR method as early as one week to 3 weeks. Antibodies however are measurable much later after 3 to 15 weeks.
3. Yes, the values of ALT are much higher in case of acute hepatitis following HCV exposure.
4. As mentioned earlier, it is unlikely to be related to HCV infection. However for the sake of reassurance, you may repeat the HCV RNA PCR test after 4 weeks.
5. Watch for progress of symptom. If pain persists or you develop fresh symptoms, consider further evaluation to diagnose the cause.
Hope this helps