After A Night Of Drinking I Feel Like My Post
Possible Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Detailed Answer:
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The ball in throat sensation you are experiencing after drinking is most likely due to GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Here the stomach acidic contents are regurgitated back to esophagus causing uncomfortable symptoms.
Alcohol consumption is known to worsen symptoms associated with GERD.
You can take Prilosec 20 mg once daily in morning before breakfast. Continue prilosec for atleast 2 weeks.
Alcohol consumption following treatment with Prilosec can again cause GERD symptoms. So if possible avoid alcohol consumption or limit to very moderate alcohol consumption.
Also, avoid spicy food. And make sure you have your last meal atleast 2 hours before going to bed.
If symptoms do not inprove after a week of treatment with prilosec and life style changes, then follow up with your primary provider for detailed evaluation.
Hope this answers your question
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Dr.Lekshmi Rita Venugopal