Alcoholic. Test Showed Slightly Elevated SGOT And SGPT Level. Cause Of Concern?
SGOT and SGPT are normally used to assess the liver, though there are found in other parts of the body.
The normal level of SGOT is 5 to 40, so a level of 42 is only just above the norm and would not be considered significant.The slight elevation may be as a result of the alcohol use though the use of a high fat or high carbohydrate diet can also result in problems with the liver.
Reducing the amount of alcohol used, which you have done, would definitely help to prevent any further problems.
The normal level for SGPT is 7 to 56, so your value is within the normal range.
Some labs may have slightly different ranges.
Uric acid is normal when between 3 and 7, again, slightly different norms are quoted for different labs but this is the general range.
Your value is just at the upper limit and would still be considered normal but is about to tip into the abnormal range.
Again , the reduction in alcohol use would improve this.Reducing the use of foods such as mackerel, liver, dried peas or beans would also help.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions