Am I Taking The Right Medicine? Had Pancreatico Jejunostomy For Pancreas Divisum, Diabetic, Septic Shock, Pancreatitis Attack.
Doctor advised to take insulin (huminsulin 30/70) 40 units and 20 units ,but my sugar level was always high fbs was 160 some times 330 Ppbs always 270 some times 470.
now i have started taking these medicine huminsulin30/70 14 units and 6 units tab glimetus forte 1-0-1,januvia 100mg 1-0-0 livopill 0-1-0, mildfil 0-0-1,eurepa 2mg 1-1-1,ubicar 1-0-1,lantus inj 15 units night bed time,roseday 0-0-1evening. after taking these medicines my sugar level is 70 & 140 but my sugar level drops to 60 some time then i will have chocolate to boost my sugar level .now my question is the medicine what iam taking is right what are the side effects of these medicine please help me out .
Thanks for posting your query!
It seems that you are now receiving an appropriate regimen comprising of insulin and oral drugs. Pancreatitis seems to be the cause of diabetes in your case. Your glucose levels were not getting controlled earlier due to an inadequate dose of insulin.
If your glucose levels are dipping to low levels repeatedly (i.e. you are getting repeated episodes of hypoglycemia ), you need to cut down upon insulin after consulting your treating physician. I would suggest that you XXXXXXX your physician as soon as possible.
An ideal way would be to monitor the following values at home with a glucometer:
Fasting, Pre-lunch, Post lunch, Pre-dinner, Post-dinner and at the time of hypoglycemia.
Making a chart of these readings for 3-4 days and consulting with your physician will make it easier for him to re-adjust the dosages.
The most common side effects of insulin and other oral anti-diabetic agents such as Glimetus forte, Januvia, Eurepa, Ubicar is hypoglycaemia or low blood glucose levels . This can cause dizziness, sweating, an increase in heart rate and should be treated immediately by consuming something sweet.
As far as Roseday is concerned, you should contact your physician if you experience any muscle pain, rash, fever or dizziness. The most common side effects of Mildfil include headache, facial flushing and diarrhoea. If you experience any of these side effects, please see your treating physician who will then advise accordingly.
I hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries.
Wish you Good Health.
Chronic pancreatitis can also cause diabetes. Septic shock can cause pancreatitis or it could also be other way around. Septic shock is XXXXXXX and could be life threatening in some cases. If the sugar levels are adequately controlled, the chances of having septic shock decreases significantly. Currently you seem to be getting appropriate treatment. Key is to frequently monitor you sugars and being regular in your followup visits with your doctor.
Hope my answer is adequate and helpful to you.
Please accept my answer if you do not have further queries.
Wish you Good Health.