Ankle Bruise, Discoloration Of Foot, Burning Sensation. Is This A Life-threatening Blood Clot?
About a week ago I hit my ankle area pretty bad and it was bruised for a while. But today when I woke up from my nap I noticed this discoloration of my foot that I think wasn't there before. Is this a life threatening blood clot caused by the injury?
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There is very slight pain around the area, almost like a burning sensation
Thanks for asking the question.
I saw the image you have posted and it looks like a haematoma to me. A haematoma is an XXXXXXX clot that comes under the skin after an episode of trauma. Initially it is necessarily normal skin coloured then turns red, magenta, blue and finally pale yellow before coming to normal skin tone.
It takes quite a severe impact to get such clot, severe enough to break the bones at times. So if you are most certain that the pain has been subsiding then I won't advise an xray. And do not worry this is not life threatening.
You should try some local measures to reduce it fast like ice fomentation, topical Heparin ointment under your physicians guidance, crepe support and foremost you should take adequate rest. If it does not go in a week or so seek help from a Podiatrist.
Hope I answered your query. If there is something more I may help you with feel free to ask, I'm available for follow up.Good day.