Anxiety,stress,indigestion,loose Motion,depression
Thanks for writing to us.
First thing I want to convey you is that you are a very special person.
All of us need help at some time or the other. It is very unfortunate to learn that your friends and family have given up on you when you needed them the most.
Second thing is do not let the suicidal thoughts come over in your mind.
Since you have become a qualified engineer despite all odds, this shows that you have some job left here assigned to you by God and its Gods will that you live life.
As you have posted this query here I can learn that you are fighter by nature and you have adjusted to your new life in a positive way.
The first step in treating depression is recognizing that you are depressed.
The second step is seeking help.
These two steps may in fact be the hardest part of the entire treatment process.
Early recognition and treatment will offer you the greatest chance of recovery, and the earlier you seek help the greater the chance that recurrences can be prevented.
Treatment may include supportive therapy, such as changes in lifestyle and behavior, psychotherapy, complementary therapies, and may often include medication.
If your symptoms of depression are severe enough to warrant treatment with medication, you are most likely to feel better faster and for longer when medication treatment is combined with psychotherapy.
Once you seek help from a qualified health care provider, you will find that there are numerous treatment options to help you get back on track.
Many new effective medications are available which very well treat your symptoms.
Regarding the symptoms of indigestion and loose motions, you are most likely having an irritable bowel and psychological instability is a common cause of this problem.
Consulting a psychiatrist will help both your problems. Some dietary modifications after consulting a dietitian will be helpful in faster recovery.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.
Thanks for writing again.
Definitely you can get an outdoor treatment with intermittent sessions of psychotherapy. There is usually no need of any inpatient treatment. You can attend to your job simultaneously.
Wishing you an early recovery.