Any Advise Or Extreme Anger Management On Smallest Things ,
Perception is the basis of emotions.
Detailed Answer:
Dear Ahmed-Noufal. thanks for the question.
Anger is an emotion as you already know. Anger is usually triggered when you are disappointed or irritated. When someone behaves in a way you don't expect / like / disappointing or something happens which you don't expect / like / disappointing.
The question is why you don't like ? Why you don't expect or Why you get disappointed?
Answer is Your perception.
So your perception is the cause of your emotion, here anger.
Understanding the situation, changing your perception could nullify anger.
Instead of finding quick shortcut remedies, we should try never to get angry.
Is it possible? Yes.
If you introspect and write down, you will exactly come to know, what are those situations you get angry more often. Then look at those situations critically.
If you talk to me with those situations, I can definitely help you overcome your anger at those situations.
I am ready to help you in every aspect. Take care