Question: Approximately two months ago, I woke up one morning and noticed that I had a weakness in both legs that made walking difficult, to the extent that I had difficulty getting up and down my basement steps. The best way to describe the feeling would be like I had magnets in my feet that made lifting my legs a challenge. This walking issue persisted for a few days before mysteriously just disappearing. I should note that I was going through a very stressful time due to a relationship issue. A few days later, I noticed that I was having some
double vision and a head pressure that made closing my eyes difficult. Concerned about my symptoms, I made an appointment with my family doctor and an MRI of my brain was ordered. The results of my MRI showed the following: 1) A distention of the
optic nerve sheath due to fluid intensity material (7mm) that could be indicative of increased intracranial pressure 2) A single T2 hyperintensity on the posterior aspect of my left ventricle that is likely a reactive gliosis. Although this was described as "nonspecific" and "normal" for my age by the
radiologist. Since getting the results of my MRI about a week ago, I've developed some new issues with my ribs and upper-back. Although the symptom comes and goes, there are times where I feel there is a pressure in my ribs and it is difficult to take a nice deep breath. I also notice a strange jarring or thumping sensation in my upper body when I attempt to run. I have some minor
rib pain, but no upper-
back pain. So my question is the following: Can any issues in the thoracic part of your body cause increased intracranial pressure? If so, any ideas what those issues could be? My family doctor seems to be hesitant to order an MRI of my thoracic spine. I should note that I'm 36/m, 5'8", 190 pounds. I do have
high cholesterol, borderline high blood sugar, and borderline
high blood pressure. Thanks for any advice you can provide. Also, my doctor has still not referred me to a neurologist? Should I see a neurologist?