Are Dry Skin, Droopy Eyes And Burning Sensation In The Genitals Indicative Of STDs?
Please provide some more information and some photos if possible.
Detailed Answer:
Can you tell me when did these symptoms start?
Did they start all at the same time, or adding to each other? Tell me how was the progression, please. I ask this because they are problems that need different times to develop.
Have you taken any medicine so far? What makes them worse or better? How long have you been taking acyclovir? Why do you think you may need it- do you suspect herpes because of any reason?
The more information you give me, I will be able to advise more accurately and be helpful. If you can provide some photos of your skin problem (scalp and the area that burns in the genital area) would be much more helpful.
Hope I have answered your query.
Take care
Dr Klarida Papaqako, General & Family Physician