Are Expired Drugs Still Safe To Use?
cannot be used after such as long time
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
No, it would be best not to used it after 15 months have passed since the expiratory date.
At this point the medication would not work as intended because it would have started to be altered and there would also be increased risk of side effects.
It would best, if antibiotics are needed to get a new prescription.
Most upper respiratory tract infections are viral and do not need antibiotics so you may not need to use them.
If you have a persistent high fever for over 3 days or severe sore throat or symptoms of an ear infection or very purulent sputum then antibiotics may be indicated.
In most persons the use of rest, fluids (as you have been doing) and over the counter medications are enough.
Most over the counter meds would contain a cough suppressant, decongestant and antihistamine to help with symptoms.
Symptoms can last up to 2 weeks with viral infection and in some persons the cough remains up to 6 weeks after all of the other symptoms have gone (Called post viral cough).
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
may need to
Detailed Answer:
If the coughing is so severe then it would be best to see your doctor because persisting coughing can be very distressing
If this cannot be done soon then you can try a cough suppressant in the interval
Please feel free to ask any thing else