Are Fatigue, Night Sweats And Diarrhea Symptoms Of HIV?
i know that the window period in hiv is very large, and like i said in the past my main concerned was hiv.
during the examination of the doctor, he inserted a thin plastic tube inside my uretra and i felt a little pinch, he said that he was looking for infection, again he's Russian and im Mexican but i don't think the english barrier was a problem, our english was very good.
when he gave me my results he told me that everything was completely fine that i should not worry and that i can go back to my country and have sex with my wife.
and like i said, probably the issue is that im reading to much about hiv.
and i read that sometimes and not always some patients feel symptoms after 2 weeks.
i feel some of them, but i don't know if they are just related to stress or they are normal, or even enviromental like food, but others i dont feel any.
for example
fatigue: but i haven't been sleeping well, and im smoking like i were in prison.
appetite, well who cant eat under this circumstances right.
night sweats: well its summer and it may be just the room is warm, honestly i don't ever know what night sweats it is, i have just been in beed for the last 5 days, windows close.
but the diarrea part is the one that kind of worry me, i cant recall if it started since the day i arrive prior to the incident or that im just eating badly and the food is different here.
2-3 days ago i was pooping small turds, but today it was kinda watery. no blood or anything.
but i don't feel headaches, flu nor sore throat, and i dont see rashes anywhere.
I'm almost laughing because i think even if this were symptoms is to soon for them to appear right? it hasn't been even a week since contact.
The symptoms are not related to HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back and thanks for follow-up.
The window period for HIV varies from 15 days to 3 months but there is no risk in your case then don't bother about it. You can go for RNA PCR or HIV Duos 4th generation test after one month for your satisfaction and the result will surely come in your favor.
As you had said all your symptoms are just because of severe stress or anxiety or some seasonal variation nothing else and not related to HIV in any way so calm down and don't think excessively. You can definitely go back to your country and have sex with your wife without any risk.
Do meditation or yoga to relieve stress. If still any doubt left in your mind feel free to ask me. I am always here to help you. Stay happy and healthy.
Thank You