Are Fortified Cereals Advisable For A 7 Month Old Child?
Also, can you recommend me a diet chart (Indian) for my baby?
Introduce all sorts of food items gradually, one by one.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
I have gone through your query and understand your concerns. It is good to hear that your child is still on breast feeding. Even after weaning to semisolids breast milk should be continued upto at least 1 year of age, preferably longer, upto 1.5-2 years of age.
Fortified cereals can be given and I can not suggest against that. But it is not mandatory and I prefer an XXXXXXX diet instead. You are doing the right thing by giving mashed apple, banana, rice and pulses mixed, khichdi etc.
Speaking about diet chart, I would insist you not to be rigid. Rather, introduce one new food item per week and stick to it at least for the week. You can get an idea about diet chart at: (I could have given a detailed list and could have elaborated further but the answer would have been quite long. Rather, referring to the mentioned link seems to be a better idea). I would insist you to experiment and identify the schedule that your child best accepts.
Do not hesitate to write back in case of further queries.