Are Intermittent Numbness On Thighs And Throat Pain Post Intercourse Signs Of STD?
I had protected intercourse with 3 girls in 2days and unprotected oral sex both receiving and giving with CSW in Germany. This was 6 months back.
Initially I got tested for HIV and STD at 3 weeks of exposure (HIV 4th Generation, Syphilis, Chlyamdia, HSV 1 and 2 ) All negative except HSV IGG was postive.
Again after 6 weeks of Exposure I got tested for HIV PCR RNA test, but they gave me the test report within a single day and which was negative (Can this report be trusted?)
Again after 8 weeks I got tested for 4th Generation HIV duo test which was negative.
Again after 14 weeks I got tested for HIV 4th Generation and STD test ( All negative including Hepatitis B and C also negative). Also got tested for HIV Western blot test which was negative.
During this period since begining I was having mild throat pain and it persisted till today, I met ENT doctor 2 months back and i did not tell about this exposure and he suggested may be GERD and I also have a Gastric problem and using the medicine since 2 months. Also my neck glands were also paining during this time since begining.
I have mild swelling under arm pit since 3 months, but no lump. I have that feeling when I close my hands something under my armpit feeling. Intermittent pain.
Also intermittent numbness on thighs and mild throat pain.
I am worried of sero conversion, though tests are negative (as the window period is 3 months), but is there a chance of late sero conversion (By the way I am a healthy person only).
Do I need to get tested again?
Also I noticed 6 months back after the exposure mild yeast infection on my head of penis, but not sure it could be before exposure too. It is still there.
All these are making me worried.
Can you please advise.
No further test is required as you are free from HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Welcome to HCM.
You had protected intercourse and unprotected oral sex than nothing to worry as the risk of transmission of HIV from oral sex is very less as compared to vaginal or anal sex. 4th generation HIV along with western blot and STD tests all were negative after 14 weeks of exposure then they are 100% conclusive and reliable. You are absolutely free from HIV and no further test is required.
The symptoms you are non-specific and not related to HIV in any way. The armpit swelling may be due to lymph node or any other infection. Yeast infection can occur to any one if the partner has the same so don't worry, consult your physician and follow the treatment regime for the same. Allay the fear of HIV and move on in life. For any further query get back to me again.
Thank You
Thank you for your reply.
I had some symptoms of mild throat and axillary swelling pain and thought it will go on its own and was not thinking about it. Even the mild yeast infection on the head of penis as well ignored after the 14 weeks negative test.
But after 6 months when still the axillary swelling was there and increased little bit, I was getting worried since a week. I noticed no lump and tingling sensation on groin and thighs. these symptoms forced me to think and raised some doubts on HIV tests accuracy and late sero conversion after 6 months and hence approached you to share my problem and have some clarity on it whether further testing is necessary or my apprehensions are 100% wrong.
Also I wanted your advise on meeting a physician and tell only about the current symptoms only?
If I start explaining since beginning, then I would be back to square one. so thought based on your advise If I rule out 100% HIV and discuss only current symptoms with the physician
What do you advise?
Thanks for your understanding.
Your symptoms are not related to HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Welcome back and thanks for follow-up.
Your symptoms are not related to HIV in any way and there is no possibility of late sero conversion also. The test result after 14 weeks of exposure is 100% reliable and conclusive so don't doubt on its accuracy. No need to go for any further test as you are absolutely safe and can surely rule out the risk of HIV.
Discuss your current symptoms with the physician, go for some investigations to isolate the cause and follow the treatment regime. Avoid unnecessary tension or stress. Allay the fear of HIV and think ahead of life. For any further query write to me any time. Wishing you a very happy and healthy life.
Thank You
Thanks doctor for your 100% confirmation that it is not due to HIV.
What could be the possible reasons for axillary swelling, mainly on the left hand side. When I press the swelled area there is no pain but sorrounding area has some pain as stiff muscles. I had stiff muscles pain under the arm for both hands and had stiff neck glands pain.
The axillary swelling is since 2 months, is this due to viral or bacterial infection? or any other reason.
I never had such symptoms before, hence got the doubt of HIV.
Please advise.
Not related to HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Dear Cprao,
Welcome back once again.
The axillary swelling on left side may be due to any other infection or lymph node not related to HIV in any way so don't get confused. Take some expert opinion for the same and follow the treatment. You will be fine soon so be relaxed and move on in life.
Thank You