Are Petechiae, Anemia And Severe Cough Symptoms Of HIV?
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Hello and welcome,
Your symptoms of petechiae, iron deficiency anemia, and 1 bad cold are not typical presentations for HIV infections. With HIV, we see more of a chronic fluishness, oral yeast infections, swollen lymph glands, low grade fevers, unexplained diarrhea, and weight loss.
About the petechiae, this isn't a typical presentation for HIV, but if you are getting a lot of them, it should be looked into. That they have been isolated to certain regions at any given time, such as both inner thighs, or both inner forearms, is more consistent with minor bruising to the area from some physical trauma or pressure you may not have been aware of. Petechiae that are from vascular disease, or low platelets, usually occur all over the body at the same time. Not always, but it is more often that way. Regardless, I would show this to your doctor.
I can understand that increased exertion from bush walking is making you very tired considering your anemia. That should get better as the deficiency is corrected and you become more conditioned.
Now about the HIV testing, here are some things to consider:
1. I can't say how risky your activity was, but I can say that if you get the 4th generation HIV test now, it will be very accurate given that your last sexual encounter was in January.
2. I would not lose sleep over it as your symptoms do not sound like HIV.
3. However, I definitely recommend getting the test done so that you can completely put it out of your mind and not have to have a lingering question about it.
I hope this information helps!
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What will make you feel more confident so that you go ahead and get the test?
Usually confronting something that is fearful will lessen the fear itself.
Consider treating the anxiety then.
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Maybe the thing to address first, then, is the anxiety. Would you consider talking with your doctor about an anti anxiety medication? SSRI meds such as escitalopram (Lexapro), if started at a low dose, have one of the lowest side effect profiles and early onset of action - sometimes in 2 weeks. And while waiting for it to kick in, a short acting anti anxiety medicine such as lorazepam or alprazolam can get you by. But it would be a shame for you to stay in a state of constant fear. These meds could help you.