Are Recurring Heat Boils Signs Of Diabetes?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your question,
After going through your question, I can understand your concern.
Recurrent boil may have underlying cause, diabetes is one of them.
In many diabetic patients recurrent skin infection (fungal or bacterial like boil) is one of the presenting complaints.
As high blood glucose level associated with increased risk of infection.
Possibility of diabetes further increases if-
- You are obese or overweight (BMI, Body Mass Index >25).
- Family history of diabetes.
- Sedentary life style ie. no physical exercise.
Other presenting complaints in diabetes-
- Weight loss, generalized weakness.
- Abnormal thirst and/or hunger.
- Increased frequency of urination.
- Recurrent urinary or genital infections.
So it will be better for you to check your venous blood glucose level preferably OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test).
Hope I have answered your question.
Dr. Abhay Mali.
Better to undergo basic evaluation.
Detailed Answer:
Other than diabetes other causes of recurrent boils is -
- Poor local hygiene - excessive sweating, shaving, tight clothes.
- Use of drugs like steroids.
- Immunocompromised diseases like HIV.
You should undergo basic lab evaluation-
1) Complete Blood Count.
2) Blood glucose (OGTT).
3) Renal Function Test.
4) Liver Function Test.
5) Urine examination.
Depending upon detailed clinical examination and above test result further evaluation if needed can be planned.
Considering your height and weight your BMI is >26 ie. overweight.
Which increases risk of diabetes in you.
Hope this helps you.