Are Regular Bowel Movements But With An Episode Of Diarrhea Everyday Something Concerning?
minimum 30 gram fibers to be taken daily.
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Have seen your details and i appreciate your concerns.
As per your query answers are-
Color of stool is decided by stercobilinogen pigment. Stercobilinogen is formed after break down of bile.Taking imodium constipates a patient therefore the transit time of bile in intestine increases which may have a temporary effect on its breakdown and may cause mild change in color of stools.
Fish has nothing to do with it.
Secondly only drastic changes in color of stool have any significance.
Loose stools followed by well formed stools may be suggestive of lack of fibers in diet.Add isaphghul husk 2 tsf twice daily in your diet.Its a natural bulk forming agent and would help to increase bulk of stools secondly add a probiotic tablet like VSL#3 once daily.They are good bacteria and would improve your overall digestion.
Hope you would be relieved soon.
Follow up answer.
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Hello again,
Can use it in low doses 2mg but not regularly.