Are Skipping And Push-ups Advisable For Overall Body Fitness?
My focus is overall body fitness and some cardio workouts.
Body fitness -mixing isotonic and isometric exercises
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.
What exercise programme you are following should be good enough for body fitness. However weight exercise tends to increase blood pressure. You should mix your indoor exercise with outdoor aerobic exercise e.g brisk walking or sprinting or jogging. This way you will avoid boredom ( strength building- lone exercise )and you are likely to continue the exercise programme as you may get partner in running or walking as in any exercise programme the eventual drop out rate is high.
Physical conditioning usually improves the exercise tolerance
and has substantial psychological benefits.
A regular program of isotonic exercise is encouraged.Dumble exercise is essentially isometric.Walking is best isotonic exercise.Another is swimming
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D. XXXXXXX
Cycling as physical exercise
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.
Cycling/biking is an isotonic exercise.
It can be
Stationary biking
Level biking ( biking routes at varying levels)
Isotonic exercises involve moving your joints and muscles rhythmically and repetitively through their ranges of motion using low resistance, while isometric exercises are static and require you to contract your muscles without much joint motion.
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D. XXXXXXX