Are There Any Tests To Detect Scopolamine?
There is a screening test for scopolamine.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
This sounds like a very difficult situation.
First let me say that there is a test for scopolamine:
However, while her symptoms do connect somewhat with anticholinergic side effects or symptoms, they are nonspecific enough that they can be part of many things.
I have to say that if her therapist has had an affair with his patient, this is highly unethical and he should be reported.
Is she taking any medications that you know about? If so, if you can share the names with me, I can look up whether they might be causing some of these symptoms.
Finally, this may be either psychiatric or neurological in origin. She may be suffering from a severe anxiety disorder, or even a neurological disorder.
I would advise doing your best to get her away from this disreputable "therapist" who has abused his professional relationship with her - report him if you have to. Then, I would strongly advise taking her to a psychiatrist if she is willing to go. Perhaps she will be willing if you tell her you are worried about her sleep problems and forgetfulness.