Are There Any Treatments That Can Assist SC Genotype?
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I completely understand your concerns and problems. A man with SC can marry AA genotype without any problem (medically); likewise the woman. If AA and SC marry, the offspring will definately be AC or AS less risky but carriers.
SC and XXXXXXX are almost the same only that XXXXXXX suffers more severe crisis than SC carrier. You might not notice the presence of the disease on the body of SC carrier, unlike in XXXXXXX The disease severity also depends on each individual.
It's not possible for genotype to change after sometime. Once inherited, it is inherited. It can't be changed by changing environment. The only thing that can change the genotype is an intentional act like Bone Marrow transplant. This technology has been proven to be the only permanent cure to SS; however, it is new, very expensive and carries many risks.
I think that you should explain your girl friend that If one is SC it only means the C or S haemoglobin is susceptible to attack as compare to the A haemoglobin and do not in any way imply one is a lower human. If she can understand your point, it will be fine.
Also, the life expectancy in SC genotype is around 60 years which is good. Medical science is improving and innovating day by day. I am sure it's not impossible to have a near cure for this condition in future.
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