Are There Chances Of Small Glass Piece To Be Stuck In The Endocardium Of Heart?
Thank you for your answer.
this is query which still I have.
When we see the Video clip which teach how blood move in heart, heart velve stop the blood and push the blood and wait and stay and push to another space...
(.I dont know what I am right or not)
My concern is glass samll particle stay infront of heart entrance and when get into heart with the power of push.. glass particle hit the wall of heart and scratch and stuck and stay...
I know it is very impossible, but when we use galss ampule for IV, very little particle could get into vein and flow to heart.
1. if particle be stuck in heart, can we feel the symptom rightly?
( for example, inflammation happen and blood clot developed and flow to lung... so there is absoutly piain and symptom..)
2. or this particle is very small , so there is no symptom for a while but after time flow (2-3months) , that place in heart which particle being stuck could start inflammaton and problem could be serious.
Thank you very much.
what would happen will depend on the size of the piece of glass...
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
Practically, what is concerning you won't happen with small glass that may enter through needle.
Now, practically, what would happen will depend on the size of the piece of glass.
If it is as small as few micron (as in case of small glass that may enter through needle), it has minimal chance to be stuck in the endocardium. If this happen local inflammation would happen and nothing serious would happen (asymptomatic patient).
If it has a bigger size, trauma will happen with endocardial or valvular rupture and cardiac shock being the final result. This explains once again that practically the penetration of endocardium or valvular rupture are fatal.
Hope it was of help!
As far as I know If someone suffer endocarditis, people could know easily by symptiom.
Based on upper fact, pls. explain me what is true.
Actually we cannot know whether very little particle could be stuck on the wall of heart or not. And we also don't know whether it is going to be more serious or it is going to be safe.
So, What I want to know form Doctor is If some particle got stuck on the wall of heart,
(usually it make inflammation and clot or make symptoms rightly, etc)
is it possible for foreign particle to make inflammation or endocarditis not rightly...
is it possble for endocaditis to be happen after time flows (2-3months or more...)
(in my mind... very little particle being stuck in the wall of heart is very small so there is no inflammation at first and after time flow, on that part, inflammation start )
--> So eventhough particle has a chance to make problem, it could make problem or endocaditis delay after 3-4months with some reason..(it is impossible, I understand my assumption is not realistic.)
* if particle has a potential to make a problem, it work right after stuck and if particle has no potiential to make a problem, it won't work right after time flows.
Sorry to bother you again.
Thank you very much.
If you don’t have any previous heart disease than it can't be true...
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
The possibilities of a small particle to stay attached on endocardium or heart valves are theoretically minimal. As I mentioned earlier it needs a previous heart disease (valvular disease, congenital defects) for a small particle (even for bacteria) to be stuck on endocardium or heart valves.
Even for endocarditis is necessary the presence of heart problems. In the absence of heart problems bacteremia (bacteria travelling via blood) doesn't led to endocarditis, because it's impossible even for bacteria to stick on endocardium.
However if this happen, theoretically there are two options:
1. This particle will be detached by heart contraction and will continue their journey causing pulmonary embolism (This is what really happen in most of the cases).
2. The particle will be attached to endocardium long enough to cause endocardial inflammation and to be infected after bacteremia. In this case they serve as previous heart problem and may cause endocarditis months even years after.
But that this last thing happen its necessary to have a previous heart attack. Heart attack will cause akinesia of the heart (the damaged part of heart doesn't contract at all) and this will help for a particle to stay longer than usual inside heart. In real life this happen with blood clots.
So if your don’t have any previous history of heart conditions than what you are supposing can’t be true.
Wish you health!
Dr. Benard