Blackouts, Dizziness, Loss Of Appetite, Bleeding After Sex, Breathlessness, Headache. What Is The Problem?
A friend suggested that she can be anemic. But, can anemia cause pain during sexual intercourse. She claimed she was encountering some discomfort during her last sexual intercourse and of course a slight bleeding after?
Thanks for the query.
the possibilities for your friend's problem are,
-anemia: in case of decreased hemoglobin content the person can present with dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, blackouts etc,
-thyroid hormonal problems: fluctuations in the level of thyroid hormones can lead to fatigue, difficulty in concentration, decreased memory etc,
-neurologic or cardiac problems can also be responsible for blockouts, dizziness etc,
-psychological- all these symptoms can be seen in people with psychological disturbance.
color of the blood can have mild variations in person to person because of different hemoglobin levels etc,
now let your friend consult physician and get general examination done, then hemoglobin levels, if he suggest thyroid hormonal levels estimation can be done,
with this primary workup the possible cause for her problem can be possibly make up and treatment can be taken accordingly.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.
as such anemia may not cause pain,
the pain during intercourse could be,
-due to lack of lubrication,
-narrow vaginal opening,
-because of some infection, anemia can increase the chances of infection.
-because of post-coital tear bleeding can occur, if the intercourse repeated with out giving time for the tear to heal pain can occur.
so if the pain is mild lubricant and analgesic jelly like xylocaine jelly can help, if pain is severe better to consult gynecologist once to rule out any structural problem.
Wish you Good Health, If you are satisfied with my response please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.
My FINAL question
I want to gain some extra weight. I am 33 yrs of age with a weight of 60kgs. This has been my average weight over the yrs. I try to eat on time and drink sufficient water.
Don't know if your can recommend some possibly supplements that can assist.
ideal weight for a person is height in cms - 100,
so if your weight is around that no need to change it,
if you are under weight according to above equation then you can try to increase weight, better to try natural foods instead of medicines,
you can read this for more details:
Wish you Good Health, If you are satisfied with my response please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.