Blocked Sinuses, Taking Sintabs & Actified, On Cipralex Antidepressant. Side Effects Of Taking Sintabs / Actified With Cipralex & How Can Blocked Sinuses Be Cleared?
Thank you for posting your question.
The issue about not taking decongestants with antidepressants applies to a group of antidepressant called MOI not to Cipralex. This belongs to a group of antidepressants known as SSRIs and, to the best of my knowledge, these to not inter-react with decongestants. In any case you have now discontinued the decongestants so in reality you should have no worries.
If you have a degree of chronic rhinitis (chronically stuffed nose) as is often the case with sinusitis, then there are a number of steroid containing nose sprays that can be very useful. You may want to discuss this with your doctor but a spray called Beconase may well be worth trying.
There is also an antibiotic called Vibramycin that is useful for clearing the sinuses.
Beyond that, if this persists, you may want to consider sinus surgery but only after all medical solutions have been exhausted.
I hope you found this helpful and that you will accept my answer.
Thank you and good luck.
There is no known drug interaction between Cipralex and Sinutab or any decongestant. Therefore it is safe to take both together.
Is it 100% safe? - Nothing in medicine is ever 100% safe or effective but chances are that you will be fine.
Hope this answers your query.
Wish you good health.