Broad Nose Bridge After Injury, Not Swollen
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
Your son's broad nose bridge concern, seems to be your query.
Medically, that is considered absolutely normal in children most of the times,especially after injury.
Rarely, it is a sign of genetic/congenital anomaly, if present since birth. Since you said it just came up and was not present since birth, so this possibility is not there in case with your son.
The only time when a broad nasal bridge needs treatment is, if associated with symptoms it indirectly produces like frequent difficulty in breathing, pain, etc. Else it is usually left alone.
You could visit the ENT (Ear, nose and throat specialist) in case breathing gets noisy, or he gets duly uncomfortable. Moreover, he is absolutely healthy and fine, so there should not be anything to worry for now. Other causes like septal deformity needs to be ruled out as well.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me. I do hope that you have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.