Bruises In Knee And Calf, Hematoma, Drainage, Surgery, Alternative Therapies
From the description of your detailed history, it does seem that the lump could indeed be a hematoma , that is in the process of being organized.
Usually, all that is needed to manage a hematoma is rest and the regular application of hot compresses. Get plenty of rest, and avoid running, jogging, or any strenuous exercise. The blood that has formed the hematoma will usually dissolve on its own as time passes, and the hematoma will disappear. Of course, the larger the hematoma, the more blood it will contain, and the longer it will take to disappear.
With regard to what questions to be asked, here are a few suggestions:-
1. What would his diagnosis would be, with regard to the lump ?
2. What is the normal prognosis of this particular hematoma (in case he considers it to be a hematoma) ?
3. What would he expect the status of the hematoma, in the next 6 months (if it is not drained at the earliest) ? Any complications that could be possible ?
4. What are the possible complications, if the procedure is done at the current time ?
5. If he chooses, not to drain the hematoma, the specific reason, why not ?
6. Any alternative treatment modalities , that he would suggest ? and the efficacy of such treatments ?
I hope this helps.
I shall be available to answer any follow up queries.