Bump Above C-section Scar, Hurts. Pains When Urinating, Is It Hernia?
Could it be a hernia ?
Thanks for your query.
I am sorry to read that you are suffering with this terrible pain. I shall try to help you in the best way possible. From what you describe there could be 2 possibilities:
1) The bump you describing could be a "hernia". Sometimes post surgery, the site of incision may become lax and weak to an extent that some contents like intestine may protrude from it. This causes a bump. Occasionally if intestines are strangulated in hernia, it leads to pain like this.
2) The pain during micturition (Peeing) and lower abdomen pain aslo occur in doctor, urine test for microscopy & culture / sensitivity and ultrasound of pelvis and abdomen will help us differentiating amongst the two possibilities. I suggest you to visit your doctor at the earliest.
In the meantime drink plenty of water, avoid any strenuous physical activity.
I hope I answered your query. I will be available to answer your further queries.
Dr.Mahesh Koregol
I am very bloated and gasie today too
Thanks for reverting back.
Urinary tract infection (UTI) can present in different ways and pain can occur anywhere in abdomen. Hence pain in left side could be due to UTI also. But in background of suspicion of hernia, it could be strangulation of hernia also (considering pain while walking and bloating).
A direct examination by your doctor, urine test for microscopy & culture / sensitivity and ultrasound of pelvis and abdomen will help us differentiating amongst the two possibilities. I suggest you to visit your doctor at the earliest.
In the meantime drink plenty of water and avoid any strenuous physical activity.
I hope I answered your query. I will be available to answer your further queries.
Dr.Mahesh Koregol