Can Abenzer, Ofloxacin And Ornidazole Be Taken Together?

I have aloepecia areta and androgenic Alopecia. I have several bald patches and also in a very advanced stage of Male pattern baldness.
My question is - I have exams coming up in 12 days as well. And I've heard that those tablets specified above also causes headache and dizziness and sleepiness etc side effects.
So can I just take Grocapix n Hairgro gel for now and start the tablets after 12 days after my exams? (postpone the tablets)
Is that okay? Or does Grocapix gel cause some sort of a bacterial or worm reaction initially for which those tablets are required???
Also pls elaborate as to the use of these tablets in relation to the treatment??
Does "NOT" taking those tablets harmful to my body in any way???
I'm also planning to START "Mesotherapy" after 2 weeks. (injection into hair follicles)
I also wanted to know whether I can take Mesotherapy for hair and above mentioned treatment simultaneously (at the same time) for faster effect? Or will this mix of treatments be harmful in any way whatsoever??
I'm going for both treatments together as I have a marriage coming up soon. Hence the urgency.
Pls reply in detail. Thanks a lot in advance.
Best Regards.
No drug interactions betwn grocapex and antibiotic
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir,
I have read your query and understand your concern.g
Let me clarify things one by one.
1.There is no absolutely no interaction between hair treatments you mentioned and the antibiotic therapy -abenzer and ofloxacin and ornidazole.
2. Its absolutely not advisable to postpone your antibiotic therapy and it can worsen the gut infection if you are having.
3. There are no specific harmful side effects to Abenzar, ofloxacin and ornidazole and affect your exam performance.
4. Regarding mesotherapy, there exists interaction between Grocapex and Hairgro with mesotherapy. Its advisable that you do not undergo both treatments at the same time.
5. Ofcourse you can take both grocapex, hairgro and antibiotic therapy simultaneously.
6. Grocapex will not cause any initial worm infection reactions.
7. Naya bact can be be taken irrespective of any co therapy.
Post your further queries,if any.
Thank you.

What harm will it cause?? Pls tell me the harmful effects or repercussions of taking both therapies together.
Both treatments are seperate. To be administered by seperate medical experts.
I'm just trying to understand the reasons.
I understand Mesotherapy opens hair follicles and injects nutrients into them.
Mesotherapy sessions are just once in 10 days.
Grocapix/Hairgro is just external application everyday.
So what's the harm in taking them both??
It will make my hair grow faster. Wouldn't it??
And what if the individual Grocapix/Hairgro treatment does not work by itself.
Should I stop it and go for Mesotherapy instead?? How to judge that it's not working? How much time before I should see results with either of the treatments if taken individually? Ofcourse that depends patient to patient. But there must be a average time or something.
And in your expert opinion.. If I have to choose only ONE of the treatments mentioned above. Which therapy is more advisable and proven to have better results.. Mesotherapy or Grocapix/Hairgro??
Grocapex is superior to mesotherapy.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir.
1.Both Grocapex and mesotherapy are topical treatments,hence not recommended together due to adverse drug interactions with Minoxidil which is contained in gracapex.
2.Even though both are different treatments to be instituted buy different doctors,the overall results of mesotherapy can be disappointing when combined with grocapex.
3.A time period of 3-6 weeks is allowed between the two therapies.
4.I advise a period of 4-6 months for mesotherapy results and 6-8 weeks for grocapex results.
5.You need not skip Mesotherapy.
6.If you have to choose one treatment ,Go for Grocapex and Hairgro.
Thank you.

You really helped in clearing my misconceptions, confusions and apprehensions. Excellent consulting.
Now as to my last follow up session -
1. You mentioned Grocapix is superior to Mesotherapy. Does that mean that I can SKIP Mesotherapy altogether?? Can I ONLY go for Grocapix therapy alone??? Will it cause any loss if I DON't go for Mesotherapy in addition?
2. You mentioned Grocapix contains Minoxidil. But apparently both are two different medicines with two different components. Some doctors even prescribe Minoxidil in ADDITION to Groapix. Are they really same??
3. I've heard Minoxidil/Grocapix medicines have reversible effects. That is, once you stop using them, you start experiencing hairfall again. Is that true?? Will I go bald again when I stop using Grocapix after the initial effects???
4. Minoxidil has side effects like headaches, nausea etc. Does Grocapix has any side effects too??? If any, please list the same.
5. My Dermatologist also prescribed me Keraglo Men Tablets in addition to Grocapix/Hairgro. But I had taken Keraglo Men tablets earlier on my own for 4-5 months. They seem to increase my body hair.. Arms, chest, legs. Does Keraglo Men really result in increase in bodyhair or is the effect localised only to SCALP Hair??
6. You mentioned Grocapix and Mesotherapy are not advisable together. But why?? What harm will it cause?? Will it lead to more hairfall?? Or will one treatment reduce the effect of another treatment???
7. I think I might follow your advise and go for Gracapix therapy ALONE.
Can you prescribe any additional medicines to take alongwith Grocapix and Hairgro?? Please list the same.
8. Does Mesotherapy has "permanent and long lasting" results AS COMPARED to Grocapix therapy????
Pls understand that I have marriage in a few months and my lovely bride to be has requested that if I could grow some hair. It would be much appreciated.
Kindly help me for the same with any additional advise and treatment suggestions from your side.
God bless and take care.
Minoxidil is preferred to Mesotherapy
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir.
1.Grocapex is superior to mesotherapy in all aspects.
2.Gro Capex is sometimes contain minoxidil along its capixyl. Both these drugs help to increase the blood flow to the scalp and promote hair growth.
3. In case they are marked differently,doctors prescribe both. So its not an issue.
Both can be used together as both have same mechanism of action.
4. Mesotherapy can make the action of grocapix/minoxidil inferior since the injected chemicals can prevent the action of the latter.
Hence the two are not recommended simultaneously.
5. Mesotherapy is better avoided or is taken after a period of 6-8 months after treatment with minoxidil/grocapex.
6. Yes the effects the minoxidil are temporary.
Cessation of drug will cause rebound hair loss.
7. Yes minoxidil particularly can cause side effects like headache.
8. The results of mesotherapy are not long lasting.
Only minoxidil has sustained effects for 18-24 months.
9. Drugs like Biotin 10 mg and Soy isoflavone 100 mg daily for 6 months are known to improve the hair density and growth.
10.You can take the above medicines along with grocapex/minoxidil.
Thank you

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