Can Gabapenitn Intake Cause False Positive Urine Test Result For Suboxone?
Percocet and Vicodin both may give false positive results
Detailed Answer:
Hello thanks for asking from HCM
You have come positive for Suboxone in urine analysis. Suboxone consists of Buprenorphine as main constituent and it is an opioid drug. So urine analysis test for suboxone will also detect any other opioid present in body and few other drugs and may result in false positive results.
Out of the drugs you were taking, Percocet and Vicodin both consists of hydrocodone and this is an opioid drug. These drugs may result in false positive test result of Suboxone.
Out of other drugs you are taking, as per my opinion, no other drug can give false positive results especially for Suboxone. Though Robaxin may some times give false positive results for amphetamines. Other drugs are safe and will not give false results.
Thanks, hope this helps you.
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Yes you can mention about false positive tests
Detailed Answer:
Hello again
Yes you can mention reference that Vincodin or Percocet can cause false positive results and that is proved. Yes Venlafexine can cause false positive on amphetamine screen tests.