Can HIV Be Contracted Through Contact Of Semen On Open Wound?
Low risk of HIV transmission.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for query. I am Dr Bharatesh D Basti answering your query.
Welcome to health care magic.
I have gone through the details and can make out your anxiety.
Practically the chances of transmission of HIV by the mode mentioned is nil.
But theoretically with fresh semen,open bleeding wound there is minor or very low risk of transmission of HIV.
If you are sure of such an incident and sure of status of the person ,you can go for post exposure prophylaxis for HIV .Consult your doctor and have a discussion with your doctor and can go ahead with PEP.PEP has to be taken within 72 hours of risk exposure.
If beyond 72 hours, then go for HIV testing based on time since exposure.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Dermatologist and venerologist
You can totally allay fears of HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
If he is negative for HIV then there is no reason to worry at all.So you can totally allay fears of HIV.
HIV cannot survive beyond few minutes in the environment.
This aspect does not arise at all as there is no source of HIV to transmit yo you.
So forget the episode.
Be safe next time.
You can get back for any clarification else please close the discussion and rate.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Tests details explained.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
2 weeks is short for HIV to be transmitted to others.
The HIV 1&2 RNA PCR tests detect HIV RNA as early as after 4 days of exposure. Usually after 10 days exposure it is considered very sensitive .
P24 antigen is a component of HIV virus.It can be detected as early as after 3 weeks exposure.
Antibodies test detect antibodies to HIV .These can be detected as early as 2 -6 weeks after exposure. Some it may take 3 months.So until this period is considered window period.
You need not worry as it is unlikely for HIV to multiply and be transmitted through semen within 2 weeks of exposure.
You can allay fears.
Forget the episode.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti