Can HIV Be Contracted Through Non-penetrative Sexual Activity?
I am an uncircumcised man who went to Europe and went to several swingers clubs there. I have many pimples and sores on my back. I have a large pimple on my chest and a sore near my belly button. Also, I have a broken nail.
I did not have sex in any of those places.
In the first swingers club, I walked around naked and I used a public bubble bath. I did not see any sperm in the bubble bath. But it doesn't mean that the sperm wasn't there. If there was sperm, could I have contracted HIV through numerous pimples and sores on my body?
Also, I jerked off when I came home and I didn't wash my hands.
In the second swingers club, I received a tantric massage. The woman was in a thong and she sat on my back. She rubbed her breasts against my chest and back. Also, the floor where I was lying was not clean. I did not ejaculate in the club, but when I came home, I masturbated without washing my hands again.
I now have a strong headache in right side of my head, I have bad breath from my mouth, I have a sore on my lower lip, and I am feeling disoriented and unfocused.
I also woke up this morning with some light pink rash on my chest, but it went away within an hour.
How likely is it that I could have contracted HIV?
The possibility of transmission of HIV is very less or remote in your case.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Welcome to HCM.
The possibility of transmission of HIV is very less or remote through the way you had mentioned because the survival of HIV virus outside the human body or in an open environment is very difficult and it will die within seconds only.
The pimples and sores or rashes on the chest are mostly due to some allergy or skin infection for which you can consult your local physician and take treatment as per the advice. For severe headache you can take paracetamol and avoid too much of stress or tension which is not good for your health.
You need not to worry much as it is very unlikely to have HIV in your case so be relaxed and move ahead in life happily.
Thank You