Can HIV Be Contracted Through Unprotected Intercourse?
HIV Negative and Conclusive.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for Query. Welcome to health care magic.
I am Dr Bharatesh D Basti answering your query.
I have gone through the details and can make out your anxiety.
The chances of transmission of HIV by unprotected intercourse with a HIV positive person is very low (1/200 to 1/1000).If protected it is nil.Slipped is almost considered like unprotected intercourse.
If she is negative there is no chance of transmission. The risk appears to be nil in your scenario.
The HIV Antibodies tests are repeatedly negative and after 3 months exposure.It is Conclusive. You are free from HIV provided there is no other risk exposure.
There is no need for further HIV tests.
You can totally forget the episode and lead a normal life.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Dermatologist and venereolgist
HIV Negative
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
The guidelines for HIV testing post pep is baseline, after 3 months and​ after 6 months .
In your scenario the risk is almost nil.So there is almost no chance of HIV with given details and tests.
I do not see need for further HIV tests.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thanking you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti