Can HSV-1 Be Asymptomatic?
HSV 1 can present without symptoms too
Detailed Answer:
Hi madam.Thanks for your query.
HSV1 commonly is known to cause oral herpes and genital herpes(HSV2 is more common). Signs and symptoms vary caused by HSV 1 depend on whether that was your first outbreak or recurrence. They would last several days, and the blisters can take two to four weeks to heal completely. Recurrences typically appear at the same spot each time and tend to be less severe than the first outbreak.Asymptomatic HSV 1 do occur which is called subclinical HSV.
During first-time outbreaks, some people also experience:
-Painful eroded gums
-Sore throat
-Muscle aches
-Swollen lymph nodes
For prevention I were to suggest-
-Washing your hands frequently.
-Avoid kissing people with visible core sores.
-Don't share personal items.
-Donot touch your eyes and genitals; don't perform oral sex on your partner.
-Using sunscreen.
-Reducing stress
Please feel free to reply for further queries you may have.
Is there a cure for HSV 1? I came across an advert program called HSV 1 eraser have you heard of it? Does it work? Is it possible to have HSV 1 and never have an outbreak? What is the difference between Subclinical HSV and HSV?
Thank you!
There is no cure for herpes; once you have it it is likely to come back
Detailed Answer:
Hello again.Thanks for your quick revert.
HSV 1 erase, as per my knowledge promotes plant extracts/herbal remedy for herpes infection.According to me this is however not fool proof since herpes infection is dormant in the nerves and flares up because of various reasons.Scientifically this might have some data which prolongs/postpones herpes recurrence but not completely cure/erase.
Thus, there is no cure for herpes; once you have it it is likely to come back. However, some people may have one outbreak and then never have another one since the virus lies dormant (as if it is hibernating or sleeping) in nerve cells.
Subclinical herpes is without symptoms.
Clinical herpes means with symptoms.
Good news is most herpes infections do not cause serious complications in healthy individuals.
Hope this helps!
Thank you for your response. A couple of follow up questions Does having HSV 1 cause HSV 2 since the anti bodies live in the blood stream? Also would you recommend mother with HSV 1 to breast feed her child? What are the risks of transfer from mother to baby through breast milk? Thank you.
Breast feeding is recommended with few precautions
Detailed Answer:
Hello madam.
Antibodies offer immunity against any condition, not only herpes.They donot cause infection.They are always protective.
HSV-1 virus spread by skin-to-skin contact from an adult who carries the virus. A person usually gets HSV-2 (herpes simplex type 2) through sexual contact.Since mode of transmission is different a person who has HSV1 doesnot get HSV2.
Mothers can give the herpes virus to their baby during childbirth especially If the baby is born during the mother's first episode of genital herpes, the baby will have serious problems.
Herpes sores are spread through contact. If a herpes sore appears on the mother’s breast she should cover it. If it is on the areola or nipple, she should stop breastfeeding on that side until the sore is healed. Expressing or pumping milk from the affected breast is a good alternative. Milk should be discarded If the mother’s hand or her pump touch the sore. However it is recommended to nurse from the unaffected breast.
Observe strict hygiene by washing hands thoroughly with soap before breastfeeding and sterilising breast pump parts after each use will also help prevent spreading the infection.
In HSV2 mothers with active genital lesions vaginal delivery is not advisable.
Hope this answers your query.
Virus is not visible to naked eye
Detailed Answer:
Hello madam.
HSV 1 is inactive/dormant resting in your nerves as mentioned previously.Only during stress it results in outbreak and this is the time when the virus gets transmitted through contact- kissing, hugging, touching etc. Yes oral sex will transmit HSV 1 and genital sex too which is less common.
During outbreaks high the viral counts are high because they keep on multiplying at very high rates and are present in high concentration at the affected areas->ready for transmission.This is called as shedding of virus.
Virus is not visible on naked eye.It requires an electron microscope.Always use a hand disinfectant during the outbreak frequently so that the risk of transmission will be minimised.
Hope this helps.