Can HSV Be Contracted Through Non-penetrative Sexual Activity?
two weeks ago, I went to massage parlor with some friends, after some massage, the girl spat on my penis and gave me a hand job.
So far I did not have any sores and blisters, I just have some tingling and weird pains on my sexual organs. I used to get cold sores when I was a kid. on the past two weeks, I have lost more than 8 pounds.
what are the risks of me contracting hsv, specially hsv 2 ?
in particular, she did not have any sores on her lips, what are the chances that she has hsv 2 orally. and if she had it, what are the chances that it was shedding from mouth.
If I contracted the virus, what are the chances of me being asymptomatic ?
Could anyone please answer this ?
is there a rate of transmigration from Saliva to genitals specially for hsv 2 ?
Kindly provide certain important details.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to the forum.
I can very well understand your deep concern of HSV 2 after the incidence. It is really troublesome to have fear of anything troubling our mind continuously.
I have analyzed your complete query and noted all your concerns. For providing you the best guidance I humbly request you to kindly provide certain more details to your query. Do let me know if you are circumcised or uncircumcised. Have you had any cuts or any trauma at the time of the incidence. Did the massage girl touched her genital area anytime in between the incidence.
Hope to hear soon from your side.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
MD Dermatology & Sexually transmitted diseases
No i didnt have any cuts and i washed the area soon after
I didnt notice any touching of her genitals as well i didnt notice any sore on her lips or genitals
I have all sort of wierd pains in my sexual organs in the past three weeks. Recently i feel a wierd numbness. I have also got a severe erectile disfunction since, i used to have sex with my girl friend about 3 times a week.
I lost about 10 pounds.
The result of hsv has not came yet, but all others came negetive. I did the test at day 9.
Negligible chances of HSV 2. Relax and allay your fears
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back and thanks a lot for your swift follow up.
After analyzing the complete details let me reassure you first that overall there are no chance of getting HSV 2 infection in your case.
It is due to the scientific fact that HSV 2 is basically a genital infection. As per your history she didn't touched her genital any time during the incidence so there is no question of getting HSV 2 at first instance.
Further in very few cases there is cross infection from genital area to oral area. So in that scenario if we think that the massage girl was infected with HSV 2 then it requires an active oozing lesion with fluid discharge in the massage girl. The discharge was to be mixed in ample of quantity with saliva getting into any of cuts or wounds over your genital infection causing HSV 2 infection.
The above situation is actually not present in your case. You are also a circumcised make so the chances are even least than ever in comparison to a uncircumcised male.
To add more if a person is infected with HSV 2 not having active lesion can shed the virus in saliva. But it is practically least possible to cause infection just by spitting due to low load of viruses in saliva.
In my experience and opinion you are having all the problems of weight loss and sexual disfunction due to severe anxiety issues.
Allay all your fears and relax for a while. In my opinion the chances are negligible.
I hope this helps.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
MD Dermatology & Sexually transmitted diseases
There is no blister or sore, but once everywhile it gets so itchty ,
The only thing is that its been like this for the past week, it comes and Goes.
Is it possible that i get my first outbreak as a rash ?
It is not a specific rash i can notice, it is just itchy
Herpes presents typically as vesicles and ulcers.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back and thanks for your further follow up.
In herpes we find XXXXXXX vesicles which are quite painful and evident in its first episode. They are such a noticeable thing that can't be missed. Further there is formation of ulcers which are again very painful first time and have a prominent inflammation.
In uour case I have not been able to find anything like that. Episodic pains are quite a common symptom in anxiety states or mild urinary tract infection. I very often counsel your kind of cases where similar symptoms are enumerated. But there appears no abnormality on testing.
I suggest you to drink plenty of liquids and divert your mind from the issue of herpes. As you give more attention, you will find more and.more symptoms of non specific nature.
I hope this helps.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
MD Dermatology & Sexually transmitted diseases.
Thank you very very very much for you responses.
I know that even if I acquired the virus there is not much I can do till three months to get tested. and I am extremely thankful of you bearing with my anxious mind.
I only fear that the anxious pains mix with real pains so that I can not recognize the real ones. The weird pain that I was experiencing, is sometimes in the left and sometimes in the right side of my penis, does this emphasis that it is just out of anxiety ?
I have been monitoring my body temperature, and never had any fever in the past three weeks. However, I feel that my genital area is extremely warm. I tried to put the thermometer there (I am so embarrassed) and got 35C. is that again just in my mind ?
Thanks a lot
All your symptoms are non specific. Just relax.
Detailed Answer:
Dear young fellow,
Welcome back and thanks for your further follow up.
I have further gone through your concern and noted all your symptoms diligently.
After proper analysis of all the symptoms let me give a good news that all your symptoms are just a part of anxiety state only. There is no correlation of any of these symptoms with any Sexually transmitted infection.
I very often counsel patients with your kind of situation and observe such kind problems experienced by the person. These stays in mind till they see a negative report after specified time. So in your case also you would be experiencing such kind problems off and on. The better of the thing is that I reassure you as per best of my experience that these symptoms are mon specific and in my view you are not affected by the virus.
I suggest you to stop thinking about this matter and do not search anything on Internet as this is full of useful and useless information. Any false information could cause more anxiety in yourself.
I reassure you fully and give you my best wishes. I am just besides you in all your health issues related to my knowledge.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
Today, i noticed two "things" on my penis shaft. they are at XXXXXXX 1mm by 2mm, and located 5mm apart. They are not filled with water, more like something solid inside. They are more under the skin as opposed to over it, but my skin does not roll over them. They are hardly visible at normal condition and when not erected. I have to stretch the skin for them to become visible.
I am not sure if I had them from before or they are new. Do you have any comment on that ? Could it be a symptom of herpes ? Could it be commonly something else ?
Doesn't appear to be herpes.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back and thanks for posting your further concern.
As per the description given it doesn't match with herpes. Rather in my opinion it could be simple proliferation of oil glands. As per tour concious and anxious issues you are perceving the same. I suggest you to wait and watch for next 24 to 48 hours. If you feel any change then do report ot to me. In heroes the lesions ate either preceded or accompanied by pain and burning sensation. Do report to me if you find any of these symptoms.
My best wishes for your healthy life.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
Today the results of the hsv-2 test came back negative. I took the test at 9 days. So it is probably not really reliable right ? Should I plan to do it again in 12 weeks ?
Also I showed the spots to my doctor, he said those are not herpes and are white-heads! I dont know what he meant by that, but he said that it is common and he himself indeed get some of those once every while.
Even with the early test results, I feel a little bit relieved, I am forever grateful of you Dr. Kanodia.
White heads are same as the prominent oil glands.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back and thanks for your further follow up.
I am happy to know that your test result is negative. In my experience you need not to go gor any further testing but even then for your own satisfaction could go for test any time after 12 weeks.
The doctor's meaning by white has is the same as I told you the prominent oil glands and is synonymous with the same.
I am really pleased that you are relieved of your anxieties and are relaxed now.
I reassure you again that you are completely healthy.
My all best wishes,
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia