Can Hiv Be Transmitted After Getting A Handjob At Massage Parlor?
HIV/STI trasmission risk is negligible through measures mentioned by you.
Detailed Answer:
Hand job is the one safest sexual activity and the risk of HIV transmission is negligible.
HIV cannot be viable outside the human body fluids not more than few seconds. Possibility of transmission of HIV through inanimate objects or fomites are almost 'nil'.
Even if we considered that the towel used in massage parlor was handled by an individual who is living with HIV, the transmission of HIV risk is negligible. If there was wet (not dried) stain of blood which came in contact with an open wound of an uninfected individual, even then the HIV transmission risk is negligible only. (
All other STI organisms are also highly fragile and cannot thrive outside atmosphere for not more tha few seconds. So casual transmission of STI are rare. So nothing to worry.
Dr S.Murugan
And other STDs too?
Also I am planning to get a Urine culture for UTI long after exposure should I wait to get tested so that the test detects UTI if there is any?
HIV/STD transmission risk is almost 'nil'
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
It is the same with the semen of a HIV infected person also.
If that individual is taking ART and his HIV viral load is undetectable, then the risk HIV transmission is almost "NIL", wheras if that individual is not on ART, If the semen stain over the towel of that individual got dried completely, then also, the chances of getting a HIV infection is almost "NIL". If the towel with the stain was used before getting dried completely, then the transmission risk is negligible. When there is a chance of exchange of body fluids, (of a person not on treatment) then only transmission risk becomes increased. It is same also for other STIs.
Dr S.Murugan