Can I Go For Septum Myectomy As A Cure For HOCM With A Dual Chamber ICD ?
Thanks for your query.
With an ICD implanted, if you need to have an open heart surgery, the ICD device may cause problems during induction of anaesthesia.
Your treating cardiologist is the best judge of your need to have the surgery and the risks involved in your case. In this decision, detailed examination and XXXXXXX study of all investigation reports has got the most important role.
All the patients with an implanted ICD are bound to be exposed to its shocks.
The ICD automatically detects an abnormal heartbeat and delivers small rapid pacing impulses or an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal heart rhythm. ICD shocks produce anxiety and psychological distress in the patient which cannot be avoided.
As an ICD patient, you cannot control shocks, but you can control your reaction.
Although shocks are often startling and discomforting, they are also an indication that the ICD is doing its job, keeping you protected from life-threatening arrhythmias or a rapid heart rate.
Myomectomy surgery is done only in cases where the patient is not benefited from medical treatment. This surgery carries significant morbidity and mortality.
Try to relax and focus on your breathing.
Developing a positive feeling of getting saved from a cardiac arrest every time you receive a shock will help you in cope up with it better.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.
Wishing you good health.
I got the device implanted in Aug 2008. The first time I got shocks was in Jun 2009, doctor has told me that it was because I skipped my beta-blockers for couple of days and I was very anxious at that moment I recieved them. I even got more inappropriate shocks followed by the first one which was an appropriate one. Now I am taking my tablets on time. Doctor has said I can even ride my bike and do all activities except playing games that would cause physical damage to my ICD.
Can meditation and yoga benefit me from having a good health thereby ensuring that my heart rate is in control. When I googled I came to know that there are few other techniques as well that can be performed which can give a permanent solution for my problem. I stay in hyderabad. Are these techniques practiced in India or we need to go abroad for having the surgery done ?
Please also suggest me what food items would ensure that my bp is controlled so that I can have a healthy heart rate and lead a happy life.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you.
Thanks for writing again.
Practicing yoga, XXXXXXX breathing exercises and relaxation techniques like meditation do help in controlling your heart rate to a large extent thus decreasing the chances of getting a shock.
ICD is the best way to ensure regular working of your heart.
Intervention cardiology has improved to a great extent in India now. I am not sure of the availability of the services in your city. I suggest you to XXXXXXX a well experienced cardiologist in your city, he may be able to guide you better.
You need to decrease your salt intake and increase citrus fruits intake like orange to keep your BP under control. Taking garlic regularly also helps in controlling the BP.
Hope my answer is helpful.
I had a checkup with my doctor today. He said surgery is not needed for the extra muscle I have. Keeping my fingers crossed to lead a better life.
I also wish that you should control your heart beat with yoga so that you no longer need to suffer from shocks.
Please contact us for any other health related queries in future.
Wish you a good health.
Take care.