Can Lomexin-1000 Be Taken During Early Pregnancy?
My doctor prescribed Lomexin 1000 for me
And I'm not sure if I'm pregnant but I had spotting after 9 days of ovaluation
and she said their is some redness inside vigina and I used it
My question is : is this medicine safe during early pregnancy
Can it affect the fertlies egg?
I'm so worried
Lemon category c drug
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to hcm,
Lomexin is Pregnancy category C drug which means that it may not be safe to use during pregnancy but if the treating Doctor feels that the benefits outweigh the risks involved then it can be given.
But as your pregnancy is not confirmed yet and you are suspecting an implantation bleed ( as spotting after 9 days of ovulation), which needs to be confirmed. If pregnant, Lomexin can cause untoward effects in the fertilised embryo as its a category c drug. So in my opinion, it should not be used if pregnancy results are positive. Please get a serum beta hcg levels done, which if high shall confirm pregnancy and you should be stopping the drug use in that case.