Can Methamphetamine Cause Cardiomyopathy?
You can delay ICD implantation,but there is a risk of dangerous arrhytmias
Detailed Answer:
Dear Mrs,
If your EF was reduced already after childbirth, there can be 2 versions:
1. you have had idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy before pregnancy, which got worse after it, as it was leave untreated
2. you have periparum cardiomyopathy, which you developed after childbirth.
Usually meth doesn't cause cardiomyopathy, but it can worsen underlying disease. Anyway now it not as important, as you should receive standard heart failure treatment.
ICD is recommended to patients with ejection fraction lower 35% to prevent life-threatening arrhythmias.
You czan ask your doctor to delay the ICD implantation, and wait if your treatment will be effective in 6 months. But you should know, that you will live with small risk of having life-threatening arrhythmias.
Hope I could help you
Wishing you good health
In case of further questions don't hesitate to ask
Welcome back
Detailed Answer:
Dear Mrs,
In case any of cardiomyopathy you will receive the same heart failure treatment.
The medications, your doctor has prescribed you will help to control heart failure, improve your quality of life, and usually they also improve EF. But it is very individual, in some patients there is a great improvement in EF, but the others it is only slight improvement. Whether to delay ICD implantation, you should discuss with your doctor and decide yourself, as you will continue with some risk.
About pregnancy, it is quite risky to continue it, as during pregnancy heart must work twice as hard, and if there is a low ejection fraction and heart failure, they usually deteriorate.