Can NAN Pro 2 Be Given For A 7 Month Old Infant?
1. Now colic pain is not there for him. Can I switch back to Nan pro 2.?Will it bring constipation problems or anything?? Many are saying Similac 2 is not as nutritious as compared to Nan.
2. I feel his weight is low and wanted to increase it. What all foods can I feed him?? Currently I'm giving rice and raw banana porridges,boiled carrots and apples.
Suggestions given.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
Colic occurs when extra ingested air or gas from degradation of undigested food matter creates problems. Formula feeds are hard to digest and therefore can lead to colic. Similac is as nutritious as NAN but since the child is already 7 months, it is better to move to semisolids, keeping milk only as an accessory. You can start with thick liquids like dal water or fruit juices, gradually move over to semi-solids or mashed foods, and subsequently start with pounded food. Consider your ABCs - applesauce, bananas, and cereal (rice, biscuits dipped in milk, or roti softened with milk/water). Boiled rice and dal with vegetables and give in mashed form. Gradually increase the amount and frequency. Introduce one new food item per week and stick to it at least for the week.
I would insist you to go through the following chart about what foods to give at what age:
A detailed diet chart can be found at:
His weight is proper and you need not worry.
Can be given.
Detailed Answer:
Yes you can switch over to NAN Pro 2. No problems expected as such.