Can STD Be Contracted Through Fellatio?
I had my last full health body medical checkup back in april 2015 and everything came back clean XXXXXXX of health however my only exposure are that I have had twice protected vaginal sex and twice unprotected insertive felatio with two different prostitutes. The last exposure was exactly a month ago. I did not have any major symptoms up to this point of time with the exception of a sore throat a couple of months back but it was completely healed. My major concern here is a single very small pimple looking bump on my penis near to my penis head where it is only visible if i roll the foreskin back. Is this the sign of std? Is this syphillis?
The small pimple looking bump on penis head is not only the sign of STD.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Welcome to HCM.
You had twice protected vaginal intercourse and twice unprotected insertive fellatio than no need to worry much because the risk of getting HIV from unprotected oral sex is very less as compared to vaginal or anal sex.
As far as small pimple looking bump on penis head is concerned it might be due to smegma deposited under penile skin after sex or due to some other reason but not the sign of any STD so be relaxed and don't get scared or worried about HIV.
Having multiple sexual partners is very high risk for HIV so as your friend I will advice you to stay away from such unsafe sexual practices to prevent the furure risk of HIV and other STDs. Avoid stress or tension as the risk is very remote in your case.
Thank You
I have attached a picture of my penis for your observation, the small single bump is shown in there, does this looks like syphillis primary chancre/sore? From what i have read online, the initial symptom is always a painless chancre which scares me. I'm also suspecting this is a fat deposit but i'm not sure.
Can saliva transmit hiv to my penis urethra? Have this happened before globally or in your experience?
The small single bump on penis head not looks like primary painless chancre
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
The small single bump on penis head doesn't look like primary painless chancre of syphilis so don't get scared or worried. The saliva is not the bodily fluid which can transmit HIV and it contains enzymes also which inhibit the growth of HIV. Just be relaxed and move ahead as this has not been happened before in my experience.
Thank You