Can Tremadone Cure Hand Tremors?
Thank You XXXXXXX mercier
I do not suggest it.
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
I carefully evaluated the ingredients of Tremadone as it contains several herbal ingredients. The ingredients consist of herbs which relief anxiety, contain folic acid and vitamin B, or are said to improve circulation in the brain. None of those components are approved for essential tremor, so of course they can not be recommended based on evidence or on clinical studies. For essential tremor the only medications which have been studied and have shown to be effective in a relevant percentage of patients are Primidone and Propranolol (but withPropranolol the older the patient the higher a risk for cardio respiratory complications, more adapted for the young).
From a practical point of view, at times when there is doubt on the origin of the tremor, whether it is pure essential tremor or there is doubt of an anxiety related origin, there could be a place for the use of such a supplement to relieve anxiety. However that would be for mild anxiety when the aim is to avoid the use of antianxiety drugs. In your case that does not apply because you are already under treatment for anxiety with Paxil and Klonopin which are pretty powerful antianxiety drugs, so I do not see what this herbal supplement could add on that regard. And also you shouldn’t think herbal products have no side effects, they can, especially since you are already under two drugs which act on the central nervous system for anxiety.
So I can not recommend Tremadone for your case really, if the tremor really affects you I would recommend Primidone as well.
I remain at your disposal for further questions.
Read below
Detailed Answer:
If your physician is certain of that diagnosis of essential tremor then the first decision to take is how advanced it is, how much it bothers you or affects your daily life. If the answer to that is not much, then one can consider withholding treatment. It is not a threatening condition and the treatment doesn't cure it, only reduce the symptom so there is no harm done from choosing to wait and starting treatment only when deemed necessary.
If treatment is initiated the cornerstones of therapy are either propranolol or primidon. Propranolol can be used, but can be contraindicated in people with respiratory or slow heart rhythm issues, conditions which are most common with age, so it is an option only if your doctor is sure you have no such contraindications. Otherwise it is Primidon. As almost any substance it has its share of side effects (but not necessarily for you). Unfortunately there are no other approved medications for essential benign tremor apart from these two, so to conclude if tremor is disabling for you, you should at least try Primidon.
I hope it works out for the best.