Can UTIs Be Resolved By Drinking Cranberry Juice?
If you have no fever, flank discomfort or urinary discomfort - yes.
Detailed Answer:
It sounds like you have been doing the right things.
If you have no further urinary bladder symptoms (pain on urination, urgency - or increased urgency over normal, passing blood) and if you have no symptoms of upper urinary tract symptoms (kidney infection) such as fever, malaise (feeling ill overall), nausea, aching/pain in the kidney area (in the flanks - i.e. your back on the sides), then you need no further treatment.
Simple bladder infections can resolve without antibiotics with cranberry and certain other herbs, and lots of water.
If you find that you get frequent bladder infections, you can consider taking a cranberry powder supplement on a daily basis.
The main problem with bladder infections is if they move up the tract to the kidneys and cause the symptoms I described above. That would need antibiotics.
So consider yourself cured, and good job!