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Thanks for writing in with an update.
I am glad that you found my earlier reply informative.
To further confirm that the muscle spasm is not due to any liver or
gall bladder problems, a simple
blood test for liver function tests is recommended. In extreme situations, long periods of fasting can cause sludge formation in the gall bladder and therefore if you have been delaying your meals or fasting occasionally, that must be discussed with your doctor. The gassy cramps also could be due to the same reason.
As you are having yellowish urine since last few days, it could be due to less fluid intake in the cold weather. However if you take enough fluids and still your urine is yellow and there is yellow appearance of the eyes and skin, then the liver function test should be done to confirm
jaundice. It may also cause itching over your body.
The headache needs further observation regarding onset, duration, vision difficulties, relieving factor and associated facial tenderness or
sinusitis. The back ache too needs to be evaluated carefully.
hiatus hernia, there is lot more burning in the stomach (left lower chest and upper abdomen) especially when you bend down.
I understand your concern to avoid unnecessary trips to your doctor and getting tests done. Also many of your symptoms can be entirely due to
stress related
anxiety. It would be important to apply a regular diet and fitness schedule and minimize any physical and mental stress that you may have. You can try having less oily foods and more of fruits and vegetables. Having small meals at regular intervals is also suggested.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back if you have any doubts.